
Welcome to Airrows on Air, a podcast exploring guests’ personal histories and what motivates their passions in work and life. You'll  learn alongside host Christina Beckmann about scientific aspects of climate along with the fascinating experiences of artists, adventurers, storytellers who help us appreciate our experience of life on earth and why taking climate action is worth the effort.


Kelsey Bumsted - A Travel Photographer On Sustainability At the Heart of Career and Creativity

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Shivya Nath - A Travel Writer With More Than Just Good Stories

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Martin Freimüller and Fiona Mugambi from Octavia Carbon - The Future of Direct Air Capture Technologies and Techno-Optimism

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Susanne Bouma - Fueling The Future of Aviation

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Ross Kenyon - Perspectives and Predictions in Carbon Removal from Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace Co-Founder

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Ryan Jones - Building A Career in Climate, From Tech to Storytelling

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Milena Nikolova- Making the Sustainable Option the Most Attractive Option and Mapping the Journey To Zero

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Colby Brokvist - "We Needed An Adventure" Bonus Episode

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Colby Brokvist - A Professional Guide Looks At Risk, Challenge, and The Opportunity Travelers Have To Make A Difference for Climate

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Martin Romero - Adapt or Die: Meeting the Demand for Eco-Tourism Using Technology, Local Resources, Innovation, and More

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Friends Committee on National Legislation's Clarence Edwards on Policy, Advocacy & A Multi-Shareholder Approach

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Ep. 29

Christina Leala Gale, Perspective from the Pacific: A Local Looks at the Connection Between Climate Change and Tourism

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Ep. 28

Philippe Beauchamp: Lessons in Freediving, Polyphonic Singing, History, and Beyond

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Ep. 27

Carbon Catchers: A Focus on the Changemakers Behind Climate Solutions

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Ep. 26

Dr. Harry Hilser and Human Geography: Why Understanding Behavior Change May be the Key to Climate Policy

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Ep. 25

Chloe Berge and Rethinking Humanity’s Relationship to Nature and How That Intersects with Travel

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Ep. 24

Nim De Swardt - From A Treehouse to Antarctica and All the Places in Between, Weaving A Multifaceted and Intergenerational Approach to Climate Action

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Ep. 23

Becky Desjardins - Birds in the Freezer and How the Scientific Collections of the Past Can Predict Our Future

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Ep. 22

Joyce Bergsma - Recognizing the Impact Our Food Systems and Choices Have on Climate Change

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Ep. 21

Lorelei Kelly - From Nuclear Weapons to Modernizing Congress: A Funny, Down to Earth and Expert Perspective on How Regular People Can Build Systems of Change

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Ep. 20

Nicole Cocolas - An Aussie Academic’s Perspective on Climate Communications Reveals The Power of Optimism

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Ep. 19

Anna Ahn - Young and Working in Climate Tech: A View from Switzerland On Natural and Technological Solutions

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Ep. 18

Genevieve Hathaway - Stories of Women’s Empowerment + Climate Change in the Middle East through A Climber’s Lens

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Ep. 17

Matt Eggers - The Future is NOW in Climate Tech

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Ep. 16

Shannon Stowell Bonus - Another Call from Shannon Stowell: Out of Place in A Sea of Suits

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Ep. 15

Shannon Stowell - Traveling Escapades, Mishaps and Humility

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Ep. 14

Jeffrey Foote - Exploring the Role of Corporations in Sustainability and Climate Change

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Ep. 13

Casey Hanisko & Christina Beckmann - On Mainstreaming Carbon Removal and the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s Role in Launching Tomorrow’s Air

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Ep. 12

Jeff Shafer - Women and Wool Come Together in a Brand Built for Women’s Empowerment and Climate Action

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Ep. 11

Jessica Reilly-Moman - An Exploration in Climate Action Tradeoffs and Stories of Resilience in Rural Communities

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Ep. 10

Letty Brown - Forests, Carbon Offset Verification and Monkey Poop in a Discussion on Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

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Ep. 9

Jonny Bierman - A Digital Nomad Speaks Up About Regenerative Travel & The Importance of Giving Back More Than You Take Away

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Ep. 8

Grant Faber - Systems Expert Grant Faber on the Cascading Effect of Climate Change and the Importance of Funding Carbon Removal

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Ep. 7

Matthew Eshed - On Changing our Mindset and Approach to Climate Change

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Ep. 6

Edmund Morris - Bringing An Economist and Investigative Reporter Perspective to Sustainable Travel with Edmund Morris

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Ep. 5

David Hone - Hard Realities and Real Optimism in a Discussion About Scaling Up Technologies Along Our Transition to Net Zero

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Ep. 4

Maren Krings - Photojournalism As a Transcendent Language for Climate Action

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Ep. 3

Eli Mitchell-Larson - Whiffenpoofs, Obama, Penguins, the ‘How’ of Carbon Removal and the ‘Where’ of Carbon Storage with a Little Yeats Thrown In

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Ep. 2

Natasha Martin - Grandmas Assert Their Influence and Tourism Planners Drink Whisky With The National Police

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Ep. 1

Walker Cahall - On Wayzgooses and a Life Philosophy of ‘Always Have a Trip Planned’.

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