Jessica Reilly-Moman - An Exploration in Climate Action Tradeoffs and Stories of Resilience in Rural Communities

Ep. 11

“Climate change and environmental and social justice are just inextricably linked.”

An Exploration in Climate Action Tradeoffs and Stories of Resilience in Rural Communities. This week I am joined by Jessica Reilly-Moman. Jessica is a social scientist, political ecologist, and a mixed media journalist focusing on climate change and resilience in coastal communities. We discuss her climate research that has led her through the mountains, to large-scale solar projects in the desert, and sailing through Latin America. Jessica’s cross-national perspective has given her insight on the unique set of issues in different places but also their commonalities. She shines a light on inequities as they relate to climate change and why we must view climate actions not as having singular effects, but rather as a whole system. And who and how they impact.

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