
Be a Climate Clever Traveler
Carbon Removal 101

Be a Climate Clever Traveler

Tomorrow’s Air is a collective of passionate travelers, or as we like to say Airrows for Air. Travel’s benefits to our world -  whether through the connections  we make, the cultures we celebrate, the livelihoods it provides to local communities or the support it provides for conservation of land and wildlife - are worth preserving.  And in order to do that, we want to do something about the carbon emissions associated with our travel.

Learn more about travel’s contribution to global emissions here.

Join our bulletin to receive monthly climate clever travel insights along with the latest news in carbon removal.  
Like to have your cake and eat it, too?

*Drum roll* ….We give you travel hacks for traveling with tomorrow’s air in mind.  Whether you are at the beginning, middle or end of your journey towards climate clever travel. It’s time to travel for good;  for tomorrow’s air.

STAY Climate Clever
Choosing your lodging with tomorrow’s air in mind

Whether you’re a last minute accommodation booker or a months-in-advance type of gal/guy, we’ve got you covered.

The bottom line, lodging shouldn’t jeopardize the local area - environmentally, economically and socially. 

If you want to get into the nitty gritty of being a climate clever lodger (do it!), be our guest.

RIDE Climate Clever
Road tripping with tomorrow’s air in mind

Our climate road toll is highly dependent on who we’re with - quantity,  and what we’re driving - quality.  

But there still are plenty of tools to use regardless of if you’re behind the wheel of an electric car or a beat up kombi.

FLY Climate Clever
Onwards and upwards with tomorrow’s air in mind

Carbon calculators down, flying friends.  There is no denying the carbon impact of our jetsetting,  but we think that counting our carbon calories doesn’t tell the whole story. 

Let’s not lose sight of the good that travel brings. 

When it comes to flying we’ve got some easy peasy tips to fly with tomorrow’s air in mind.

EAT Climate Clever
Food choices with tomorrow’s air in mind

Whether we are at home or on hiatus, what we eat matters. Although, some of the rules that we apply in our own kitchen may not readily translate to all the destinations we travel to. 

Aim for food that uses local ingredients and you’ll get a taste for the destination and do your bit to reduce the impacts that travel has on our planet. 

It can be hard to get a perfect 10/10 for sustainable food choices because of the complexity of our food systems. We’ll point you in the right direction so that being a climate clever eater doesn’t take away from tasty food or experiences.

SHOP Climate Clever
Buy with tomorrow’s air in mind

Retail brands are doing their part to make products for travel with sustainable materials and in ways that minimize their impact on our natural resources. Today’s travelers have a multitude of choices when it comes to shopping for your trip, and on it. 

Here’s what to ask yourself before you pay:
• What is this item made of?
• Who made it?
• Where was it made?
• Can it be recycled or what happens to it when you’re done with it?

TALK Climate Clever
Talk with tomorrow’s air in mind

Don’t forget to bring up carbon emissions with whoever it is you’re planning that next getaway or business trip. 


Welcome to Airrows on Air, a podcast exploring guests’ personal histories and what motivates their passions in work and life. You'll  learn alongside host Christina Beckmann about scientific aspects of climate along with the fascinating experiences of artists, adventurers, storytellers who help us appreciate our experience of life on earth and why taking climate action is worth the effort.


Kelsey Bumsted - A Travel Photographer On Sustainability At the Heart of Career and Creativity

In this episode Christina welcomes Kelsey Bumsted, a Washington-based freelance travel photographer and marketing professional. Kelsey talks about how her love of landscape and nature influenced her career path and how she transitioned into photography after originally planning on going into the public health sector. Kelsey shares more about her work at AAA Washington, where she is inspired by leadership's fun and thoughtful rebrand, mixed with her main passion - sustainability efforts. As the episode closes, Kelsey and Christina discuss the importance of a grassroots approach to building relationships and forming a bond with your base community.

“A lot of the passion that comes from my work is being able to work with brands who resonate with a sustainability approach and a connection to nature.” - Kelsey


Shivya Nath - A Travel Writer With More Than Just Good Stories

Christina welcomes Shivya Nath, a travel storytelling author who has been sharing her experiences since she ditched her corporate job and struck out on her own more than ten years ago. Since then, Shivya has visited more than 60 countries, and has both published her bestselling travel memoir, The Shooting Star, and launched The Shooting Star Academy, a course that teaches people how to tell impactful stories through travel while making a positive impact. In the episode, Christina and Shivya discuss Shivya's work as a travel writer, how her early career stop working with the Singapore Tourism Board helped inform her future career, and how her family has taken time to become accustomed to her chosen lifestyle. She shares her thoughts as someone who travels a lot on climate change, and the role of travel media in helping educate and shed light on solutions. 

“I think tourism can play such an essential role in telling the world about local climate solutions underway.” - Shivya


Martin Freimüller and Fiona Mugambi from Octavia Carbon - The Future of Direct Air Capture Technologies and Techno-Optimism

In this episode Christina welcomes Martin Freuimüller and Fiona Mugambi from Octavia Carbon to learn about direct air capture carbon removal technology and how their team is developing it in Kenya. They first talk about the process of direct air capture, then highlight Kenya’s unique environmental features supporting the technology before sharing about their personal journey to working in this field. They dive more into topics including the importance of overcoming skepticism, the unique features of Octavia’s chemical filter that can be energized with geothermal steam, and the need for support to bring more women into tech and engineering roles. 

“It’s not just Kenya being the best place because of energy and geology, but also having a supportive government, which understands the need for renewables and is supporting the industry.” - Fiona


Susanne Bouma - Fueling The Future of Aviation

Susanne Bouma is the Head of Partnerships and Programs Renewable Aviation at Neste, a leading renewable products company. In this episode, Susanne takes us on a journey through the evolution of sustainable aviation fuel and Neste's pivotal role in its development over the past 75 years. Susanne talks about Neste's refinery process and innovative partnerships, along with how waste resources are transformed into sustainable aviation fuel, paving the way for a greener future in air travel. She also touches upon the importance of building consumer awareness and fostering a sustainable fuel movement. Susanne also shares a glimpse into her interesting personal life, from growing up on a houseboat in the Netherlands to the path that led her towards a career in sustainability. Her enthusiasm for future partnerships and growth opportunities is palpable, promising an exciting path forward in the quest for more sustainable air travel.


Ross Kenyon - Perspectives and Predictions in Carbon Removal from Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace Co-Founder

Ross Kenyon is the Co-Founder and Creative Editor at Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace, a company on a mission to scale the carbon removal industry and combat climate change. In this episode, Ross shares insightful strategies to address hesitancy around climate discussions and climate technology, emphasizing the importance of transparency and backing up claims in the field. Ross offers a broader perspective on the role of carbon removal within the larger climate action and environmental movements and a different approach to promoting climate-conscious travel and carbon removal that could lead to groundbreaking outcomes. At the end of the episode, Ross shares his perspective on the upcoming trends and predictions in carbon removal, along with the intertwining of policy and politics.

“I'm agnostic to carbon removal, I'm just a booster of the entire space. I just want things to be done in a credible and ethical way that's positive for society.” - Ross


Ryan Jones - Building A Career in Climate, From Tech to Storytelling

In this week's episode, meet Ryan Jones, a young, intelligent, and passionate man at the start of his climate career. Ryan’s work today is focused in the Scale for Climate Tech program at SecondMuse, an organization born out of a global hackathon project called Random Hacks of Kindness in partnership with Google, Microsoft, NASA and the WorldBank. Prior to SecondMuse Ryan worked with Forum For the Future and Electrify Now. He was also the co-director of Hult International Business School’s In-house incubator, managing 31 startups from over 20 countries, helping scale the program to their three other global campuses. In this conversation Ryan takes us on a fascinating journey through his role at SecondMuse, where he shares about their groundbreaking program supporting climate tech start-ups, funded by New York State. Ryan shares about an unconventional approach he used in the past to gathering insights on current affairs interviewing people in pubs and then discusses an upcoming sabbatical in which he’ll undertake a National Outdoor Leadership School program in in Asia. Finally, Ryan discusses his goals with writing and storytelling, and the ways he finds great stories inspiring others to take charge, harness their agency, and create meaningful action toward a sustainable future. Get ready for an episode brimming with energy, inspiration, and exhilarating plans for a better world.

“Sometimes there's this disconnect between the climate tech world and the solutions, and those being most affected.”- Ryan


Milena Nikolova- Making the Sustainable Option the Most Attractive Option and Mapping the Journey To Zero

It’s a super interesting episode this week, as we are joined by Milena Nikolova. Milena is an applied behavioral scientist and entrepreneur with passion to translate knowledge about human behavior into ideas, actions and tools that help make travel more sustainable by design. Her background combines human psychology, business administration and tourism sustainability. Part of her career is at academic institutions where she has served as researcher and educator. She has also worked as advisor and consultant in tourism competitiveness and sustainability in more than 30 countries across four continents. Today Milena is growing her own startup, BehaviorSMART, that blends insights from behavioural sciences and responsible travel in ways that support the sustainability efforts of destinations and companies. In this conversation, Milena shares first about her professional roots in Bulgaria, and how her background in psychology serves her today to apply knowledge about human behavior to connecting people more strongly to environmental stewardship. We talk about how Finland can be used as a model to reduce the carbon footprint and the importance of getting a smart start while we also embark on more complex and expensive solutions. Milena also shares her perspective on how we can use social media as a tool to normalize sustainability and carbon footprint considerations in travel, and shares some great advice for those trying to communicate the subject of climate-conscious travel to travelers.

“In a few years, or actually sooner rather than later, we will have an increasing share of travelers who perceive carbon footprint as permanently present throughout their experience. And something that they should pay attention to, something that they understand, something that they can influence because it is constantly present.” - Milena


Colby Brokvist - "We Needed An Adventure" Bonus Episode

Colby Brokvist: "We Needed an Adventure" Bonus Episode. On a recent personal expedition to Iceland, two seasoned guides, including Natural Habitat Adventures guide and Artist for Air Colby Brokvist, faced unexpected challenges driven by a changing climate and found unexpected joy, as well.

"We felt like we needed an adventure." - Colby


Colby Brokvist - A Professional Guide Looks At Risk, Challenge, and The Opportunity Travelers Have To Make A Difference for Climate

A Professional Guide Looks At Risk, Challenge, and The Opportunity Travelers Have To Make A Difference for Climate - In this conversation meet Colby Brokvist, an Expedition Leader with Natural Habitat Adventures, Guide Trainer and author of The Professional Guide’s Handbook. This conversation is a mix of the pragmatic and the philosophical, and begins with a discussion of risk and challenge and how these concepts intersect with travel and the opportunity before us in helping tackle climate change. As Colby aptly puts it, “you can accept the challenge or not.” It’s easy to see, looking back over Colby’s experiences as a child and in his early career, how his perspective on guiding and climate were forged in the outdoors, from early experiences with his family on their boat, to hiking the Appalachian Trail out of college, Colby reflects on the experience of sharing interpretative information about plants, geology, and wildlife with enthusiasm. He has a degree in Environmental Science and is also a certified photography instructor through Lindblad Expeditions / National Geographic. He chairs the board for the Polar Tourism Guides Association and is a certified Senior Polar Guide. His book, The Professional Guide’s Handbook is available on Amazon and you can view more of his photography on Instagram at @colbyoutdoors.

“I would have people that came out on trips with me, and then I would see them in future years out backpacking on their own, and there’s nothing better than that.” - Colby


Martin Romero - Adapt or Die: Meeting the Demand for Eco-Tourism Using Technology, Local Resources, Innovation, and More

Martin Romero — Adapt or Die: Meeting the Demand for Eco-Tourism Using Technology, Local Resources, Innovation, and More. This is a conversation with Martin Romero, General Manager and Partner of Peruvian-based Explorandes, a multi-year recipient of the World Travel Awards, and the first company to operate the Inca Trail trek. A pioneer in adventure travel, they continue to innovate their experiences with sustainability at the forefront. Martin is a living example of someone who has adapted to any challenge put in front of him. As a Peruvian-American, he has spent time living in both countries as well as in Australia. Martin’s background includes positions in both tech and ecotourism. From working as a mountain biking tour guide in West Virginia to an integral part of Amazon’s team in Seattle, and now back to Peru at his current position at Explorandes, Martin has applied his extensive background in tech to improve the adventure travel experience for all parties involved. In this conversation we discuss how travel companies can measure, monitor, and analyze data in order to help reduce the carbon footprint from travel. Technology can be used to reduce costs, emissions, waste, and more. We also discuss the evolving landscape of travel in Peru - from overcoming the terrorist reign of the Shining Path, to the impact of receding glaciers. Martin also gives us a glimpse of the tours available through Explorandes that will make you want to book a trip to Peru.

“You just learn to adapt to whatever’s in front of you.” - Martin


Friends Committee on National Legislation's Clarence Edwards on Policy, Advocacy & A Multi-Shareholder Approach

Clarence Edwards — Imagine the Possibilities. Don’t miss this conversation with policy advocate and strategist Clarence Edwards. Clarence leads the Friends Committee on National Legislation’s (FCNL) work on sustainable energy and environmental policy. FCNL lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship. From his roots in Maryland and Virginia to interning for a Senator, to then working on Australian foreign trade, Clarence reveals what it now means to work with a Quakers advocacy group. In this episode, we look at policy and legislation, specifically focusing on the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act. While this is the first major climate legislation to ever go into law, it's not without its shortcomings and further highlights how this is just the first step in a long road to progress. We discuss how approaching climate change will not be an overnight change nor just one solution, yet the answer lies in a multi-shareholder approach. An approach that must be more attainable, equitable, and inclusive to garner enthusiasm from people of all walks of life. With climate change coming to everyone’s doorstep, we talk about the need to include the workforce of legacy industries, those seeking a mid-career shift, and even the Burning Man community. We also look at the spiritual element of climate and nature and how the changes are all around us everywhere, every day. Most importantly, we turn to the sense of hope; imagine the possibilities if we all can dream of a better climate future.

“That’s the important thing about the climate movement in general; this isn’t just about scientists and economists. It has to really be something that people across the country, whatever walk of life they’re coming from and whatever their background, can relate to and feel motivated to get involved.” - Clarence Edwards

Ep. 29

Christina Leala Gale, Perspective from the Pacific: A Local Looks at the Connection Between Climate Change and Tourism

Christina Leala Gale — Perspective from the Pacific: A Local Looks at the Connection Between Climate Change and Tourism. This is a very special and unique conversation with Christina Leala-Gale who is a Samoan native and is now based in Fiji. Christina is the Manager for Sustainable Tourism Development with the South Pacific Tourism Organization. She works at the regional level focusing on the inclusion of the global sustainable tourism agenda as well as SPTO’s member countries. Christina is passionate about advocating for sustainable development and hopes the Pacific can become the green tourism destination of the future. Christina and I met through the Adventure Travel Trade Association and she continues to open my eyes to the abundant culture within and apart from the tourism industry in the Pacific. In our conversation she highlights a key part of that culture: Pacific Islanders are centered around community and shared prosperity. She gives us a glimpse into how locals feel about tourism, why sustainable tourism is the key to preserving host villages and countries, and the tangible effects of climate change in those countries that are closest to the equator. We also discuss plastics’ impact on climate change, the tourism industry's contribution to plastic waste and conservation, the double-edged sword of cruises, and much more.

“The path to leadership is through service.” - Christina Leala Gale

Ep. 28

Philippe Beauchamp: Lessons in Freediving, Polyphonic Singing, History, and Beyond

Philippe Beauchamp- Lessons in Freediving, Polyphonic Singing, History, and Beyond. In this conversation with Philippe Beauchamp, a champion freediver, history professor and polyphonic singer, we find a unique perspective on breath and air. Philippe is the former Vice President and Founder of ApneaCity; the only AIDA freediving school in Montreal. He is also a history professor and father. Philippe had a serendipitous introduction to freediving after many years training in martial arts ended with injuries and surgeries. I learned so much in my conversation with Philippe and was truly inspired. Rather than accepting defeat after his series of injuries, he used them as a chance to rebuild. We discuss lessons learned from freediving including discipline, focus, and facing your fears. His connection to breath and history then led him to the ancient art of polyphonic singing; a truly fascinating and beautiful artform. It’s amazing to see how Philippe’s natural connection to water and love of history have evolved into conservation work. He’s a genuine example of someone tapping into the full human experience and using it to protect and educate others, a teacher in every sense of the word.

“It’s an important part of the practice to say, ‘Yeah I’m scared’ but then the question becomes, ‘What am I going to do about it?’” - Philippe

Ep. 27

Carbon Catchers: A Focus on the Changemakers Behind Climate Solutions

Tristan Copley-Smith and Duncan McDowall - Carbon Catchers: A Focus on the Changemakers Behind Climate Solutions. Listen in on today’s conversation with award winning filmmakers and creatives, Tristan Copley-Smith and Duncan McDowall, who discuss their documentary series “Carbon Catchers.” Together they’re planning to travel the world learning the stories of maverick entrepreneurs, visionaries, and tech-savvy activists dedicating themselves to climate solutions. The series will tell the “story of a radical cultural phenomenon; a hybrid of activism, entrepreneurialism, and cutting edge science.” Broadcasting respectively from a barn in Ontario and a cottage in the UK, Duncan and Tristan discuss how they met in a climate action course and combined their artistic talents in hopes to enact change. Rather than using pessimistic and doomsday messages often associated with climate change, they hope to change the narrative with action-oriented, positive stories from some of the top climate action technologies available. In our conversation we discuss the relationship between technology and nature; often seen as conflicting forces, their symbiosis is now essential for climate action. Tristan and Duncan talk about the many hats they wear as artists and conservationists, their family lives, their nomadic childhoods, beekeeping, biomimicry, past and future projects, and more.

“We all experienced a kind of exhilaration from being in a place where there's so much hope.” - Duncan

Ep. 26

Dr. Harry Hilser and Human Geography: Why Understanding Behavior Change May be the Key to Climate Policy

Dr. Harry Hilser - Human Geography: Why Understanding Behavior Change May be the Key to Climate Policy. I’m so pleased to welcome Dr. Harry Hilser to the podcast today. Harry is the Program Director for Selamatkan Yaki (SY), a conservation program based in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. SY protects the habitat and remaining populations of the Critically Endangered Sulawesi crested black macaque (Macaca nigra), whilst supporting local initiatives, developing alternatives to hunting and capacity building for local communities. He has a Ph.D. in Human Geography primarily focused on connectedness to nature and pro-social and pro-environmental behaviors. Harry is also the Co-Founder of Lestari Environmental Education Consultancy. Lestari facilitates the transformation of communities and society, working within the social and environmental sciences to combine education and conservation practice with sustainability, behavior change, and principles of nature connection. They collaborate with NGOs, universities, governments and businesses to deliver high-impact projects and implement innovative strategies for change. I met Harry through a shared passion for Project Vesta; a non-profit promoting accelerated weathering in order to capture carbon absorbed in the world's oceans. We talk about Harry’s beginnings in the English countryside to a small island working with primates and everything in between. His human geography and ethnography studies have allowed him to observe how different cultural drivers impact climate change. We discuss the link between pro-social and pro-environment, the behavioral motivations that drive humans, and how belief systems impact conservation and environmentalism. Harry also gives his thoughts on what he sees for both the future of climate communications and the shift he’s seeing in climate and sustainability education. Harry’s optimism for systemic change in policy and regulations as they relate to climate change is inspiring.

“This is about creating a culture of care.”

Ep. 25

Chloe Berge and Rethinking Humanity’s Relationship to Nature and How That Intersects with Travel

Chloe Berge - Rethinking Humanity’s Relationship to Nature and How That Intersects with Travel. I am so thrilled to get the chance to sit down with travel and nature writer Chloe Berge. Chloe is a Vancouver-based journalist and writer specializing in travel, culture, conservation, and the outdoors. Her work appears on BBC, National Geographic, The Globe and Mail, Conde Nast Traveler, ELLE Canada, and more. She also lends her marketing and copywriting expertise to numerous clients, creating engaging campaign copy and branded content. Chloe’s work in conservation was inspired by her travel, yet she’s conscious and aware of the complexities of travel as it pertains to the environment. With her writing, she hopes to highlight travel that makes conservation issues accessible to people. We talk about Indigenous-led movements that continue to move the needle for conservation and how the Magpie River may help progress the legal rights of natural entities. Chloe explains what solutions journalism is and how empowering people is more effective than radical approaches. She also talks about rewilding and how it relates to travel, her upcoming plans to visit Botswana and Uganda, an awe-inspiring turned frightening encounter with a mountain gorilla, and more!

“It lets travelers and everyday people who aren’t conservationists and scientists feel like they’re actually doing something.” - Chloe

Ep. 24

Nim De Swardt - From A Treehouse to Antarctica and All the Places in Between, Weaving A Multifaceted and Intergenerational Approach to Climate Action

Nim De Swardt — From A Treehouse to Antarctica and All the Places in Between, Weaving A Multifaceted and Intergenerational Approach to Climate Action. Today I finally sat down with Tomorrow’s Air co-founder Nim de Swardt. Nim is a social entrepreneur, audio storyteller, founder, board director, strategic advisor, “lifestorian”, and champion of co-generational connections. She was also the world’s first Chief Next Generation Officer when she co-founded NEXT GEN; a global intrapreneurship program in a company operating across 20 countries with 6,500 employees. Nim’s connection to the natural world began in her childhood in Queensland, Australia where she was raised in a treehouse in a tropical beach community. Later she would leave the nest and become a world traveler and a climate action champion. Nim and I met in Antarctica while she was in the “valley” chapter of her life and seeking more meaning and purpose. We discuss Nim’s impressive career that led to where she is now, her focus on intergenerational collaborations, her passion for gathering others’ stories, the one song that she would have to include on her playlist, and much more.

“We can’t go this alone.”

Ep. 23

Becky Desjardins - Birds in the Freezer and How the Scientific Collections of the Past Can Predict Our Future

Birds in the Freezer and How the Scientific Collections of the Past Can Predict Our Future. Today I’m chatting with Senior Preparator, Becky Desjardins, from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands. Among other accolades, this museum earned the prestigious award of the European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) in 2021. Becky may have one of the most interesting, and definitely the most unusual, jobs of anyone I've had on the show. After majoring in Geology, Becky began her 20-year career traveling from Boston to the swamps of North Carolina to the Netherlands. She has an infectious imagination and passion for science that is unmatched. Becky has the unique ability to collect scientific information and data, break it down, and present it as an engaging story with endless possibilities. We have a fun conversation where we talk a lot about scientific collections, but also roller derby, the difference between life/work balance in the US vs. the Netherlands, why Becky has dead birds in her freezer, eco-restoration camping, what museum collections tell us about climate change, and how Becky thinks they are going to save the world.

“I think museum collections are going to save the world because we have all the information about how animals, plants, everything really - responds to climate change.”

Ep. 22

Joyce Bergsma - Recognizing the Impact Our Food Systems and Choices Have on Climate Change

Recognizing the Impact Our Food Systems and Choices Have on Climate Change. I am so pleased to welcome Joyce Bergsma to the podcast today. Joyce is a registered nutritional therapist who has been practicing orthomolecular and functional medicine since 2010. Joyce was born in Canada and soon became a world citizen and traveler who now resides in Amsterdam. While conscious about the impact travel has on climate change, Joyce shares my belief in the many benefits and opportunities it also provides. My conversation with Joyce highlights the parallels between regenerative farming and travel, as well as the undeniable connection our eating habits as a society have on climate. With the world’s food system responsible for about ¼ of the annual planet-warming greenhouse gases, the work Joyce does to focus on individual nutrition is an important source of climate action we can all readily access. We chat about hobby farming, the impact generational farming had on her path in nutrition, the far-reaching benefits of regenerative agriculture, principles of permaculture, food sovereignty, victory gardens, what it was like working inside Patagonia with the sustainable foods team, and about a new series of online courses she’s launching.

"You can’t make long lasting change on your own. We all need support and community."

Ep. 21

Lorelei Kelly - From Nuclear Weapons to Modernizing Congress: A Funny, Down to Earth and Expert Perspective on How Regular People Can Build Systems of Change

From Nuclear Weapons to Modernizing Congress: A Funny, Down to Earth and Expert Perspective on How Regular People Can Build Systems of Change. In today’s episode, I sit down with a true renaissance woman who always inspires and challenges my way of thinking. Lorelei Kelly is an expert on inclusive and informed democratic systems and her work explores how data, technology, and new participation methods can increase civic voice in the lawmaking process. She is the founder of the Resilient Democracy Coalition (RDC) based at the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation at Georgetown University where she leads research on modernizing the US Congress. Lorelei got her start in Washington DC as a nuclear weapons expert and now turns her attention to how to better incorporate local expertise and voices in the political process. She attended Grinnell College, Stanford University and the Air Command and Staff College of the US Air Force. She has co-authored two books, both free and available online. We talk about the problems of climate change, how an engaged and inclusive political process can help, the power people have in organizing and banding together, and why we have to act now. We also talk about her many diverse experiences including transitioning from high school in Berkeley, CA to the desert in New Mexico to an underground library in Berlin during a historical revolution. We also talk about the shift the pandemic has had on thinking and actions for so many. Lorelei’s diverse experiences lead the way to an open dialogue and give an intimate, informed look at the impact of climate change on local, federal, and international levels.

“Getting humans to build systems that are precautionary or that are preventive is probably the largest task in humanity. But we can do it.”

Ep. 20

Nicole Cocolas - An Aussie Academic’s Perspective on Climate Communications Reveals The Power of Optimism

An Aussie Academic’s Perspective on Climate Communications Reveals The Power of Optimism. Today I am joined by a kindred spirit in developing applicable climate solutions. Nicole Cocolas is a scholar of climate change by way of researching tourism and consumer attitudes and behaviors within the industry. A Lecturer in Transport Management at the University of Surrey. She is Australian-born, currently based in San Francisco where we met, and soon to be moving to the UK to work as a lecturer in Transport Management. As a world traveler, she has now dedicated her life to helping others travel responsibly and sustainably. We discuss how Nicole first came to the US by “winning the lottery”, her continuous and impactful research on consumer behavior in tourism, the relationship between air travel and climate change, how she sees the aviation industry’s role, thoughts on climate calculators, the importance of carbon removal, and more. Nicole’s research has shown that people often have binary extremes to travel attitudes, and she hopes through climate communication we can empower consumers on what they can do as opposed to guilting them into what is going wrong.

“That’s the real key with climate communication: what you can do about it.”

Ep. 19

Anna Ahn - Young and Working in Climate Tech: A View from Switzerland On Natural and Technological Solutions

Young and Working in Climate Tech: A View from Switzerland On Natural and Technological Solutions. Anna Ahn is on the Communications Staff at Climeworks. Climeworks uses direct air capture carbon removal technology to clean up carbon from the atmosphere and store it permanently. Climeworks is Tomorrow’s Air’s first carbon removal supply partner. We discuss our mutual love of hiking and backpacking, knitting, the properties of volcanic stone in Iceland, and of course Anna offers us a beautiful summarization on the difference between direct air capture and carbon capture and storage.

“I just want to encourage everyone to connect with each other and building this industry or building climate solutions can only happen with each other.”

Ep. 18

Genevieve Hathaway - Stories of Women’s Empowerment + Climate Change in the Middle East through A Climber’s Lens

Stories of Women’s Empowerment + Climate Change in the Middle East through A Climber’s Lens. Today I am joined by the awe-inspiring Genevieve Hathaway, a travel and documentary photographer and entrepreneur telling stories of empowered women around the world.

“One day at a time, one change at a time.”

Ep. 17

Matt Eggers - The Future is NOW in Climate Tech

The Future is NOW in Climate Tech. Today I finally sat down with a guest I’ve been wanting to have on the podcast for a long time. Matt Eggers is a seasoned expert in climate tech with more than 20 years of experience. He is an investor at Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a coalition of private investors formed in 2015 by Bill Gates, funding the brightest hopes for leading the world to net-zero emissions. His extensive career has garnered him in-depth knowledge of solar, electric vehicles, clean energy, fuel cells, the colors of hydrogen, and more, in the fight against climate change. Matt grew up in Iowa on a farm and his work today proves his heart never left. He now lives in Northern California, but he shares my love of traveling the world. We also share a passion for science, the arts, meditation, and hiking. Matt is a true steward for the environment, consistently making career choices to align with his core values. Lots more on that in this episode that will truly inspire you, as Matt has inspired so many others, to take action!

“The way to cure everybody of everything is to keep the planet flourishing.”

Ep. 16

Shannon Stowell Bonus - Another Call from Shannon Stowell: Out of Place in A Sea of Suits

Another Call from Shannon Stowell: Out of Place in A Sea of Suits. On today’s episode I continue my conversation with Adventure Travel Trade Association’s CEO Shannon Stowell. I had to have Shannon back to share some inspiring and hilarious personal anecdotes about stepping into, and owning, unfamiliar places - in this case an economic conference in New York City.

"The friends I enjoyed being with the most are YES people."

Ep. 15

Shannon Stowell - Traveling Escapades, Mishaps and Humility

Traveling Escapades, Mishaps and Humility. In today’s episode I’m talking with Adventure Travel Trade Association CEO, Shannon Stowell, who shares my hope for more sustainable and responsible tourism. Shannon brings to the conversation more than 25 years of business experience in adventure travel, e-commerce, outdoor retail, and environmental science. Shannon’s family history includes adventurers in Colorado’s wilderness and that spirit has been an underlying guide for most all his life’s journey. We talk about his many escapades around the world including climbing Mt. Rainier (twice), a trip with his teenage son to Kurdistan, a lavalier mishap at a conference in Scotland, sweating through success as well as a kidnapping escapade in Mexico. Shannon emphasizes the importance of balancing his adventurous spirit with other risk takers, while also teaming with more logical minds in order to push the conventional boundaries. We also talk about the importance of humility and gratitude while having the privilege to travel to other cultures.

“The friends I enjoyed being with the most are the YES people.”

Ep. 14

Jeffrey Foote - Exploring the Role of Corporations in Sustainability and Climate Change

Exploring the Role of Corporations in Sustainability and Climate Change. In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Jeffrey Foote. Jeffrey is a career sustainability man who held an executive position with Coca-Cola for 20 years, spearheading climate action in the very early days, and now heads up his firm Footeprints Resourcefulness Consulting. We discuss how he got started in sustainability, his family’s roots in community benefit, and his various investments in clean-tech. Our conversation explores successes and challenges in key pillars of sustainability in our modern lives, including recycling, composting and the ways in which consumers are driving circular economy practices in the corporate landscape.

“We’ll see that there will be activism in the financial space around climate, as well. So if you’re a big user of energy and you don’t have really good commitments, you’re not really doing anything in the renewable space, and you’re not really looking at offsets, investors look at other companies that are much more efficient or have solutions.”

Ep. 13

Casey Hanisko & Christina Beckmann - On Mainstreaming Carbon Removal and the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s Role in Launching Tomorrow’s Air

On Mainstreaming Carbon Removal and the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s Role in Launching Tomorrow’s Air. In this week’s episode, we are doing something a little different. I am the subject of today’s interview with ATTA President and dear friend, Casey Hanisko, leading the conversation. She is a longtime traveler who began her career at the space voyage division of Zegrahm Expeditions and is a key player in helping Tomorrow’s Air take root.

“I would like to mainstream carbon removal.”

Ep. 12

Jeff Shafer - Women and Wool Come Together in a Brand Built for Women’s Empowerment and Climate Action

Women and Wool Come Together in a Brand Built for Women’s Empowerment and Climate Action. On today’s episode our guest is Jeff Shafer, Chief Empowerment Officer at BRANWYN. Jeff shares his story from growing up surfing in L.A., to ski-bumming in Flagstaff, Arizona, to launching multiple successful clothing brands including AGAVE and Bluer Denim. He has studied psychology and computer science along with wilderness survival and is blunt about the realizations behind his midlife pivot to sustainable brand BRANWYN, which is focused on women’s empowerment and sustainability. Jeff has an incredibly interesting background in sports, travel, and fashion that he’s now bringing together in his own way to make the world a better place.

“To me, really, female empowerment is how to save the world.”

Ep. 11

Jessica Reilly-Moman - An Exploration in Climate Action Tradeoffs and Stories of Resilience in Rural Communities

An Exploration in Climate Action Tradeoffs and Stories of Resilience in Rural Communities. This week I am joined by Jessica Reilly-Moman. Jessica is a social scientist, political ecologist, and a mixed media journalist focusing on climate change and resilience in coastal communities. We discuss her climate research that has led her through the mountains, to large-scale solar projects in the desert, and sailing through Latin America. Jessica’s cross-national perspective has given her insight on the unique set of issues in different places but also their commonalities. She shines a light on inequities as they relate to climate change and why we must view climate actions not as having singular effects, but rather as a whole system. And who and how they impact.

“Climate change and environmental and social justice are just inextricably linked.”

Ep. 10

Letty Brown - Forests, Carbon Offset Verification and Monkey Poop in a Discussion on Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Forests, Carbon Offset Verification and Monkey Poop in a Discussion on Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change. Today I’m delighted to speak with a brilliant scientist and personal friend, Dr. Letty B. Brown. Letty is a Fulbright Scholar with a Ph.D. in Forest Science from UC Berkeley. As a scientist, she specializes in restoration, conservation planning, and nature-based solutions to climate change. If you’ve ever considered carbon offsetting a flight by supporting a forest project, you might be interested to hear how Letty describes what goes on behind the scenes to verify the integrity of that carbon offset purchase. Letty and her crew study forest areas and interview local communities to verify the claims that a project’s benefits are indeed present. There’s some technical talk in here along with some great stories as Letty shares how she got her start in conservation as a teenager — drawing some early inspiration in a Costa Rican jungle! — and a few of her experiences in the forests of the US, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Cambodia, Peru, Indonesia, and Kenya. Stay tuned to the end to hear about Tabitha the bear guard in Alaska before we close out with some samba.

“These forest carbon projects that are happening all around the world are really about supporting the local communities to not extract.”

Ep. 9

Jonny Bierman - A Digital Nomad Speaks Up About Regenerative Travel & The Importance of Giving Back More Than You Take Away

A Digital Nomad Speaks Up About Regenerative Travel & The Importance of Giving Back More Than You Take Away. Our guest today is Jonny Bierman. Jonny is a travel journalist and founder of Eco Escape Travel — a platform for travelers to find excellent sustainable travel experiences and businesses. He works with clients in values-based destination marketing and content creation. Jonny is from Canada, but he joins us today working remotely from Costa Rica. We have a shared idealism on what tourism can and should bring; including an ecological connection, cross-cultural engagement, environmental stewardship, and community empowerment. We cover a lot of territory in this discussion, from why Jonny’s favorite example of regenerative travel is Misool Eco Resort in Indonesia, to his perspective on marketing to LGBTQ travelers, to the wonders of British Columbia’s Cariboo Chilcotin Coast.

“Indigenous tourism is regenerative travel; it always has been.”

Ep. 8

Grant Faber - Systems Expert Grant Faber on the Cascading Effect of Climate Change and the Importance of Funding Carbon Removal

Systems Expert Grant Faber on the Cascading Effect of Climate Change and the Importance of Funding Carbon Removal. In this episode, I’m delighted to be joined by Renaissance man Grant Faber. Grant is a Research Assistant at the Global CO2 Initiative and is currently in the Master's program for Sustainable and Complex Systems at the University of Michigan. His focus when it comes to systems is on carbon capture and utilization, and he shares how climate change has a cascading effect on all systems.

“The unfortunate reality is that there will always be some amount of emissions associated with travel. I think it’s sort of unlikely that we’ll be able to decarbonize everything so that’s part of the importance of funding carbon removal.”

Ep. 7

Matthew Eshed - On Changing our Mindset and Approach to Climate Change

Carbon Expert Matthew Eshed on Changing our Mindset and Approach to Climate Change. This week I’m joined by Matthew Eshed. He is an entrepreneur, systems designer and engineer working in climate innovation. Matthew’s extensive background has made him an expert in the carbon community. He talks about his experience as one of the early players in Direct Air Capture and his latest projects with his organization Climatetech Advisors. Matthew talks about the power of “awe” and how he wants to change the way the world values an ecosystem on both a systemic and individual level.

“There are millions of people—possibly even hundreds of millions or maybe even a billion people—all around the world who sincerely at their core want to be in partnership with the Earth just like we do. And all we have to do is be open to seeing that they’re all around us.”

Ep. 6

Edmund Morris - Bringing An Economist and Investigative Reporter Perspective to Sustainable Travel with Edmund Morris

Bringing An Economist and Investigative Reporter Perspective to Sustainable Travel with Edmund Morris. In this episode, Edmund Morris speaks to me from the future! — from Perth, Australia a day ahead of my US west coast time zone. A market systems and tourism consultant with deep experience in the country of Jordan who, since this conversation was recorded, has launched Equator Analytics, a consulting firm that uses data analytics for sustainable tourism development.

“Carbon removal just hadn’t crossed my radar because it’s so nascent in terms of scaling. As I started to dive into the numbers though, unlike carbon offsetting, it gives me a lot of hope.”

Ep. 5

David Hone - Hard Realities and Real Optimism in a Discussion About Scaling Up Technologies Along Our Transition to Net Zero

Hard Realities and Real Optimism in a Discussion About Scaling Up Technologies Along Our Transition to Net Zero. David Hone is an expert in global warming scenarios as the Chief Climate Change Advisor for Shell; he is also the author of Putting the Genie Back and is on the board of the International Emissions Trading Association; the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and the Global Capture and Storage Institute. He joins me today to discuss his perspective on energy and climate change issues, how the system is starting to move, and a few of the changes already in energy that are visible and available. David also is a world-class traveler and shares my love for Antarctica, so we talk a little about the beauty and magic of the land, and what he thinks is in store for travelers in the future.

“A combination of reducing fossil fuel use and increasing removals and geological storage gets us to a solution. But, that’s not going to happen in just a few years. It’s going to take some time, and that time frame needs to accelerate.”

Ep. 4

Maren Krings - Photojournalism As a Transcendent Language for Climate Action

Photojournalism As a Transcendent Language for Climate Action. This week, I am joined by Environmental Photographer and Visual Storyteller Maren Krings. Maren shares her fascinating story from milking cows on an Alpine Mountain to learning mountain rescue, and now using her photojournalism skills to advocate for the use of hemp in many applications including climate action. Maren also talks about what life was like growing up in Austria, the brilliant idea she had on a cross country bike ride, and how hemp can provide the world with a sustainable, environmentally friendly solution to many current issues.

“Photography was always a bit of a passport for me. I started to communicate things that I couldn’t really do in language.”

Ep. 3

Eli Mitchell-Larson - Whiffenpoofs, Obama, Penguins, the ‘How’ of Carbon Removal and the ‘Where’ of Carbon Storage with a Little Yeats Thrown In

Whiffenpoofs, Obama, Penguins, the ‘How’ of Carbon Removal and the ‘Where’ of Carbon Storage with a Little Yeats Thrown In. In this episode we chat with Eli Mitchell-Larson, a former impact investor and social entrepreneur, currently at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford where he focuses on carbon capture and storage, standards for credible carbon offsetting, and pathways for decarbonizing fossil fuels. Eli is a Tomorrow’s Air Supporter and Science Advisor. In this podcast Eli shares how his travels - from the White House to Antarctica - have inspired him, along with his perspective on the role of carbon offsets in voluntary carbon markets, and why all offsets are not created equal. And, unexpectedly closes with a song!

“CO2 is a cumulative pollutant. Once it’s released, it effectively is there forever in circulation. The first flight that our grandparents ever took, the first car that was ever driven, that CO2 is still up there.”

Ep. 2

Natasha Martin - Grandmas Assert Their Influence and Tourism Planners Drink Whisky With The National Police

Grandmas Assert Their Influence and Tourism Planners Drink Whisky With The National Police. A lifelong expat and tourism development consultant, Natasha Martin has lived in 15 different countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean. Speaking from Cambodia she shares her personal escapades and insights on sustainability, tourism development and why it’s more fun to have a guide as we join her in Greenland, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia and India. You’ll learn why grandmas are never to be underestimated and how that food tour you loved actually came to be. Learn about Saudi Arabia’s sustainable tourism development plans and how Greendlanders are adapting to their changing climate.

‍“There’s so much information online, it’s hard to be surprised by a place, but Saudi was a place that really surprised me.”

Ep. 1

Walker Cahall - On Wayzgooses and a Life Philosophy of ‘Always Have a Trip Planned’.

On Wayzgooses and a Life Philosophy of ‘Always Have a Trip Planned’. In this episode Portland, Oregon based environmental illustrator and teacher Walker Cahall brings us into his creative process as we explore the connection between art, travel and climate change. We learn how a documentary about rivers in Argentina brought Walker to the challenge of bringing the subject of carbon removal to life for Tomorrow’s Air, the world's first collective of passionate travelers who clean up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

‍“If we always have a trip planned, it’s always something to look forward to - it can be a small or big trip - but the act having something to look forward to drives me.”

Carbon Removal 101

Carbon removal basics for curious travelers

Check out these helpful and reliable resources to learn more about carbon removal.

Have something you think we should add? Contact Us

Why do we need carbon removal?
What is carbon removal?
How can travelers and travel companies help remove carbon?
What’s the difference between carbon removal + carbon offsets?
What are different ways carbon dioxide can be removed from the air?
How does carbon dioxide get stored once it’s out of the air?

Uniting and empowering travelers.

Invest in clean air