Pacific Biochar’s technique allows it to modify existing biomass power plants for biochar production. The biochar is then used in soil applications, commonly achieved through partnerships with compost yards.
Pacific Biochar’s biochar is manufactured from forest biomass collected primarily from designated high risk fire hazard areas in California that are among the highest risk of forest fires. This forest biomass includes non-merchantable forestry thinnings, power line clearings, logging residues, and sawmill residues. Removing excess biomass (fuel) is essential to reducing catastrophic fire danger which in 2018 released emissions equivalent to 68 million tons of carbon dioxide.

Images courtesy Pacific Biochar
Accountability and Carbon Removal Fulfillment
Through Carbonfuture (a digitalized platform and tracking service for carbon removals through biosinks and other negative emission technologies), Pacific Biochar’s carbon removal is independently certified and audited by Carbon Standards International and BioInspecta, respectively, using the European Biochar Certificate (EBC) C-Sink methodology, ensuring that the biochar ultimately reaches the soil, so the carbon remains sequestered.
For carbon removal currently being purchased, Pacific Biochar will complete orders received within eighteen (18) months or earlier from the date of order.