Climeworks Carbon Removal

Tomorrow’s Air supports direct air capture carbon removal with permanent storage through the technology pioneered by our partner, Climeworks. Climeworks provides carbon removal for large global brands such as Microsoft, insurance provider Swiss Re Group, Shopify, among many others. 

Here is a quick look at how direct air capture carbon removal works.

Carbon collectors capture CO2 from ambient air: air is drawn into the collector with a fan, and adheres to a filter within the collector. Once the filter is saturated, the collector is closed, and the temperature is increased, releasing pure CO2 which can then be mineralized, or used in other products, such as sustainable aviation fuel.

Images courtesy Climeworks

Climeworks partners with Carbfix to mineralize the carbon dioxide it collects. The carbon dioxide is injected into basaltic rock formations where it mineralizes within in two years. 

Accountability and Carbon Removal Fulfillment

Carbon removal with Climeworks ordered through Tomorrow’s Air is fully measurable, as every ton of carbon dioxide removed from the air and stored underground can be precisely measured using standard industry measurement equipment. Climeworks CDR Services are certified by DNV, an independent quality and assurance leader. Building and installing a direct air capture carbon removal plant typically takes 1-2 years. Subject to the utilization and operation schedule of Climeworks’ plants, for carbon dioxide removal currently being subscribed for, carbon dioxide removal service and the safe and permanent storage underground are completed within 7 years or earlier following the order date.

For comparison, this is at least 2 times faster than for typical other carbon dioxide removal approaches (for example, if trees are planted, it will typically take at least 10 years [source] until the carbon dioxide is removed from the air. 

Climeworks' projects are guaranteed to be additional, meaning that they would not have happened if Climeworks had not invested in the infrastructure to sequester that carbon dioxide.

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